Order & Payment
Can I order by phone or email?
We don't accept orders by phone or email, as orders and payments are generated electronically. Online ordering is convenient and efficient. You can be confident that your online order and payment is simple and safe. -
How do I know if you have received my order?
As soon as you place your order you will receive an order confirmation email at the email address you specified. This email will contain a summary of the products you ordered, the total cost and includes an order number which you can quote if you have any queries regarding the status of your orde... -
I didn't receive an order or shipment tracking notification
If you placed an order and did not receive an order confirmation, order notification or tracking notification, then the following are possible reasons : Please check your SPAM/junk-mail folder, and see if you can locate emails from RebelBod.com. Your email host may have placed your notification ... -
Is it safe to use my credit card at RebelBod.com? Yes, shopping at our website is entirely safe.
My credit card has been charged more than once for my order
If you tried to place an order and experienced an issue/received an error message (wrong CVV code, wrong billing address, etc.) and then attempted to place a separate order, your credit card summary may show multiple “authorizations.” These are not actual charges and the authorization will be re... -
Orders can be in the following status : * Pending = is when you place an order (usually 0 to 3 days) * Processing = is when we start working on it (the length of time depends on what you ordered) * Pending Payment = there has been a change to the order and order is on hold waiting for payment...
Rebel Bod Coupon Code / Discount Code / Promo Code
Rebel Bod generally do not offer coupon codes or discount codes or promo codes for promotional purposes or sales incentives. Rebel Bod don't work with coupon sites offering discount codes. Discount codes found on coupon sites will not work on Rebel Bod site. Shop now at https://rebelbod.com -
What payment methods are available?
We accept all major credit cards. Please be sure you provide the correct name and address that matches your credit card account.. -
What will appear on my credit card statement?
Your credit card statement will display the name 'RebelBod.com'. -
Why is my payment rejected or denied?
Depending on the payment method, payment processors may reject or deny your payment request. If you are paying with credit cards / debit cards and your payment is rejected, you can contact your credit card company and confirm that the record on file for AVS (Address Verification System) contains...